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The EFECS conference was a perfect opportunity to celebrate the "Towards a European single market for drones" initiative, which brought together Comp4Drones, CPS4EU, ADACORSA and Arrowhead-tools projects.

The synergy between these projects allowed to increase accessibility to pre-integrated tool chains produced by SMEs that make up the drone industry in Europe. Comp4Drones and ADACORSA are developing components for drones. Comp4Drones architecture stems from avionics practices, while ADACORSA adapts automotive technologies and practices. CPS4EU developed 6 pre-integrated architectures for cyber-physical systems, which can enable easy customisation of drone systems. Arrowhead-tools work on closing the gaps that hinder IT/OT integration. By introducing new technologies in an open-source platform for design and run-time engineering, Arrowhead Tools renders the efficient integration of IoT and System of Systems tractable.

Furthermore, these projects have many partners in common, making it easier to share the overall vision and facilitating the adoption of the projects` results.




ADACORSA has received funding from the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 876019.
The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Netherlands, Austria, France, Sweden, Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania, Portugal, Italy, Finland, Turkey.